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A Comprehensive Course

The Seasons of Ayurveda

The Seasons of Ayurveda course provides engaging, in-depth, actionable learning that you can put into practice immediately. Enflame your inner wisdom as you explore your dosha, discover doshic recipes, meditations, and more.

Price: $285

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A Comprehensive Course in Ayurveda

Our Seasons of Ayurveda course is accessed online and at your leisure. Ideal for those who want a more in-depth learning experience, this course gives you access to additional lessons, more recipes, meditations, and tips on developing a healthy routine around them.

Learn more about Ayurveda.

Personalized Health Care

Ayurveda emphasizes a personalized approach – in other words, what works for one might not be right for another. It’s about balance, harmony, and you.

Preventive & Curative Medicine

We spend a lot of time chasing symptoms when prevention would be a better, more sustainable use of our energy. Learn to heal from the inside out.

Ancient Knowledge & Science of Life

For 5,000 years, Ayurvedic science has been changing lives for the better. Wielded with intention, it is strong medicine that supports whole-body health and wellness.

What's Included

A Deep Dive into Ayurveda

The Seasons of Ayurveda course provides engaging, in-depth, actionable learning that you can put into practice immediately. Enflame your inner wisdom as you explore your dosha, discover doshic recipes, meditations, and more.

- 2+ Hours of Video Lessons

- In-depth Exploration of Ayurveda

- 100 Page Guidebook

- Doshic Quiz - Explore and Learn about your Dosha

- Doshic Cookbook Including 12+ Doshic Recipes

- 3 Meditations (Audio)

Price: $285

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Meet the Teacher

Kathryn Stoerzbach is a dedicated Ayurvedic practitioner, intensely passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience of the benefits of Ayurveda.

Kathryn L. Stoerzbach

Ayurvedic Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist, & Founder

Kathryn is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Teacher. She is the owner of An Elemental Practice., a Holistic Health Practice located in Knoxville, on a beautiful 22-acre property in the countryside of Illinois, and serving clients both locally and worldwide. She has traveled to 26 countries, lived in Asia for 4 years, and has come to know many different cultures and ways of living throughout her journey. When she finally came across Ayurveda she was completely taken by its power and simplicity and has since then dedicated herself to the study and practice and teaching of Ayurveda.

Read My Story

Student Testimonials

The School of Ayurveda takes the vastness this ancient holistic science and simplifies it into language so easy to digest it feels like opening one’s eyes to reality. Head Instructor and school founder Kathryn Stoerzbach distills esoteric concepts to elementary foundations of elements, tastes, and senses. Throughout the program I saw expansion into the broad language of Ayurveda, followed by a condensation into foundational language. It has made it so I feel confident in my professional massage practice to incorporate Ayurvedic language to my clients, bringing their oftentimes confusing pathologies to easily understood elemental principles. The School of Ayurveda’s Level 1 program is a wonderfully intimate setting with a compassionate, humorous, wise and beautifully human teacher who gently guides the student to proficiency. I highly recommend the program to anyone looking to broaden their understanding of the world through a holistic and ancient lens.

Nathalie Aguirre
L.M.T.; Certified Ayurvedic Health Coach

I am so glad that I chose to take this class with Kathryn. She is able to put Ayurvedic philology into a simple format, perfect - whether you know a little about the topics or if you know nothing at all. Not only was the class applicable but it also inspired me to continue to pursue Ayurveda which has changed my life for the best! Thank you for everything Kathryn I’d be on a different path if it wasn’t for meeting you and taking this class!

Sonata Beasley

Being a health coach for over a decade, knew that this is what I had wanted to do as a service for others. I was at a point where I wanted to expand my knowledge and my approach to coaching and had always been interested in Ayurveda and the way of encompassing a balanced lifestyle. I then met Kathryn and she was such a breath of fresh air when it came to learning the basics to Ayurveda. After my initial intake with her and getting a glimpse into her gentle yet effective style of coaching, I was elated to study under her and take a fundamentals course as well as train in abhyanga and Shirodhara. In this time I got to experience first hand how powerful these practices are and see changes in people along the way that made huge shifts in their lives. The combination of Kathryn’s knowledge and passion for this ancient medical system is infectious! She explains things in a way that makes sense and is easy to understand and leaves you eager to learn more. I continue to learn from her and she is always there for any questions that may arise. I myself have adopted these very practices into my daily life and am forever grateful for this knowledge. Because of the information, I learned, along with business skills and in-depth client follow-ups it has allowed my practice to evolve and continues to grow every day. I look forward to working with her again in the future!

Nicole Garcia

Taking The School of Ayurveda's Level I course has been a life shifting moment for me. This course gave me the foundational understanding of the history and depth of this ancient practice while bringing it into a contemporary world. As someone passionate about holistic healing I resonated with the perspectives Ayurveda shares and the continual growth of study inevitable when learning ancient healing arts. Kathryn is an incredible mentor and guide through this process, her relationship with the topics shines through and teaching truly is her passion work. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in individual self healing or to start on a path of toward practitionership. This opportunity was an incredible gift and I would do it all over again if I could.

Rachael Schmoker

Are you ready to learn Ayurveda?

Whether you are a beginner, just learning the fundamental concepts of Ayurveda, or have experienced Ayurveda before and are looking to learn more in depth and to study Ayurveda as a professionally path - we would love to help support you along your journey!

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