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A Mini Course

The Spirit of Ayurveda

The Spirit of Ayurveda Mini-Course is a wonderful introduction to the world of Ayurvedic practice. If you have ever been curious about it, this is your chance to discover its wonders without making a major commitment of time or resources.

Price: $129

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An Introductory Mini-Course to Ayurveda

If you are new to Ayurveda, the Spirit of Ayurveda mini-course is the ideal place to start your journey. Every resource is designed to illuminate the mysteries of this ancient practice and give you an easy-to-understand overview of the foundational principles and philosophies of Ayurveda and the essential mind-body connection.

Learn more about Ayurveda.

Sister Science of Yoga

Yoga and Ayurveda are natural partners as they share a common goal: to eliminate pain and suffering. While Ayurveda focuses on physical wellness, Yoga heals the mind and spirit.

System of Health & Self Care

People today don’t often pay attention to their health until they are sick. Ayurveda turns that around, adopting healthy habits and rituals to prevent illness.

Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times

For 5,000 years, Ayurvedic science has prevailed. Wielded with intention, it is a strong medicine that supports the mind, body, and senses.

What's Included

Learn The Basics of Ayurveda

The Spirit of Ayurveda Mini-Course is a wonderful introduction to the world of Ayurvedic practice. If you have ever been curious about it, this is your chance to discover its wonders without making a major commitment of time or resources.

- 1 Hour of Video Lessons

- 40+ Page Guidebook

- Introduction to Ayurveda

- Doshic Quiz

- Explore and Learn about your Dosha

- Mealtime Guide with 9 Recipes

- 15 Minute Elemental Meditation (Audio)

Price: $129

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Meet the Teacher

Kathryn Stoerzbach is a dedicated Ayurvedic practitioner, intensely passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience of the benefits of Ayurveda.

Kathryn L. Stoerzbach

Ayurvedic Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist, & Founder

Kathryn is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Teacher. She is the owner of An Elemental Practice., a Holistic Health Practice located in Knoxville, on a beautiful 22-acre property in the countryside of Illinois, and serving clients both locally and worldwide. She has traveled to 26 countries, lived in Asia for 4 years, and has come to know many different cultures and ways of living throughout her journey. When she finally came across Ayurveda she was completely taken by its power and simplicity and has since then dedicated herself to the study and practice and teaching of Ayurveda.

Read My Story

Student Testimonials

Taking The School of Ayurveda's Level I course has been a life shifting moment for me. This course gave me the foundational understanding of the history and depth of this ancient practice while bringing it into a contemporary world. As someone passionate about holistic healing I resonated with the perspectives Ayurveda shares and the continual growth of study inevitable when learning ancient healing arts. Kathryn is an incredible mentor and guide through this process, her relationship with the topics shines through and teaching truly is her passion work. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in individual self healing or to start on a path of toward practitionership. This opportunity was an incredible gift and I would do it all over again if I could.

Rachael Schmoker

Following a serious ankle surgery, Kathryn played a crucial role in my road to recovery by teaching and helping me implement Ayurvedic practices. Learning through her engaging and concise teaching style, my healing process was exciting and rewarding. Kathryn’s passion is contagious so any time she elaborates on an Ayurvedic topic, it naturally deepens your understanding of the modalities and their applications. Working with Kathryn is a true treat and experiencing the benefits of her teachings is equally as enriching.

Marissa Wingo
San Francisco, CA

Are you ready to learn Ayurveda?

Whether you are a beginner, just learning the fundamental concepts of Ayurveda, or have experienced Ayurveda before and are looking to learn more in depth and to study Ayurveda as a professionally path - we would love to help support you along your journey!

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