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Rachael Schmoker

Ayurvedic Health Educator & Yoga Therapist

Rachael is currently living in Homer, Alaska. When you’re not finding her at home, where she handles a team of retired sled dogs, she is out preserving Alaskan herbal delicacies, moving in meditation alongside the ocean tide and playing in the endless snowscapes.

“When noticing the world through the 5 Elements, I become increasingly interested in how we integrate these ancient healing practices into our contemporary landscape.” Exploring restoration through the lens of Yoga and Ayurveda is a means of reflection for being present.

Rachael is the mind and matter behind Rivers Turn Wellbeing, An intuitive arts practice, River’s Turn Wellbeing encourages self-awareness and self-responsibility as keys toward empowering community change. Unconditional positive regard profoundly informs this healing practice; she promotes balance in all aspects of life. Rachael’s work, with individuals of all experiences, welcomes anyone to collaborate.

Are you ready to learn Ayurveda?

Whether you are a beginner learning the fundamental concepts of Ayurveda, or learning more in depth and to study Ayurveda as a professionally path - we would love to help you along your journey!

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